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Berkeley Stairways

  • Berkeley Rose Garden Berkeley, CA (map)

Leader: Tamara Gurin
Distance: 3.5 - 4 miles
Elevation gain: 900 feet
Accessibility: Dogs and kids are welcome if they can keep up with the pace.

Fast-paced, strenuous walk will take us through multiple Berkeley stairways. We will climb steep stairways to the Grizzly Peak Boulevard and then down to Live Oak Park before returning to the Rose Garden. Prepare to sweat and enjoy the workout!

Restrooms are only available at the start and the end of the walk. Dress in layers, bring water.

Parking is limited to 2 hours near the Rose Garden, but longer-term parking is available in the nearby streets.

Steady rain cancels. If rain is in the forecast, check the to see if the walk is cancelled day before.

Earlier Event: January 27
Weekend Work Party
Later Event: February 10
Weekend Work Party