June 2020 Repairs on Bret Harte Way

June 2020 Repairs on Bret Harte Way


Once every 5 years, we ask our volunteer community to walk all the paths in Berkeley, clipboards in hand, and observe and record the condition of each path. With sharp eyes on signage, steps, handrails, and overgrowth, volunteer surveyors gather invaluable information to inform BPWA’s ongoing path improvement efforts.

The observations from these surveys, the most recent of which took place in May 2023, are summarized into a path condition report. The report describes in detail the remediation needed to bring our path network into good condition. It is a “living document”; it was last revised in April 2024 to capture recent progress made on path repairs and improvements. 

We are grateful to our community. We could not do this without your help!

Path maintenance: Since our first survey in July 2018, BPWA volunteers have used the survey findings to prioritize repairs of wood-tie steps and vegetation clearing of overgrown paths at our volunteer maintenance parties. We’ve had volunteer work parties on dozens of paths. If you'd like to lend a hand, please email path.maintenance@berkeleypaths.org.

Public Works referrals: BPWA also uses the survey to alert the City of Berkeley about work that our volunteers cannot perform and where we need the City to step in, such as replacing missing path signs and performing structural and handrail repairs on historic concrete paths. BPWA has a great partnership with the City and they appreciate our extensive knowledge of the paths. Following the July 2018 survey, Public Works crews added the documented missing signs and repaired all the broken handrails identified in the survey. We continue to let them know about other repair needs as they are discovered by volunteers and community members. 

Structural repairs: BPWA also works with Public Works to prioritize structural repairs on historic concrete paths such as Redwood Terrace and Sterling Path. Funds are limited and this type of work is resource-intensive, but we are hopeful that one or two concrete paths can be addressed each year. City staff have indicated that they are working with council members and the Fire Department to push for more paths funding and to address hazardous steps, vegetation management, handrail installation, and even lights for the path network. The 2018 North Bay and Paradise fires brought a new focus on the paths as potential life-saving evacuation routes; this is reflected in the City's increased attention for path improvements.

Like other infrastructure in Berkeley, the backlog for paths improvements can seem overwhelming, but we're taking it one step at a time (literally), and the partnership between the City and dedicated BPWA volunteers is bringing noted improvements on the paths. We are thrilled with the progress that has been made since we started these path surveys, and we look forward to providing more updates to our community as work progresses. Please stay tuned.