BPWA welcomes Madeleine Kahn, our Fund Development Advisor

We asked Madeleine 3 questions to get to know her better and learn more about what she hopes to contribute on the BPWA board.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. 
I'm a San Francisco native (a rare species). After a long career as a college professor, I developed a consulting business. I work with nonprofits in the fields of health care and education.

How did you become interested in Berkeley's paths?
I've been walking the Berkeley Paths for over 25 years. I started out pushing my son in his stroller (and bouncing him down the paths with steps). Now I can't keep up with him, but I'm still finding new pockets of Berkeley to explore. I particularly love being away from traffic, and getting inspiration from all the amazing Berkeley gardens.

What do you hope to achieve/contribute as a BPWA board member?
I am hoping that my experience creating grant proposals for my clients will be useful to BPWA. I'm also a champion weeder.