New Handrails on 2 Paths

We are proud to share that — with your donations — Berkeley Path Wanderers Association has purchased and installed new handrails for Acacia and Atlas paths! Atlas Path connects Hill Road and Grizzly Peak Boulevard, and Acacia Steps (pictured above) connects Cragmont Avenue and Spruce Street. Both are steep paths that benefit greatly from handrails.

“I just had a look at Acacia Steps,” says one of our members who lives near the path. “The handrail spans the entire length, not just the steep, scary railroad ties near Spruce, and it’s AWESOME. I almost choked up when I saw it. I went up, and even in slippery, muddy conditions I felt completely safe with the handrail. Go team!”

The two new handrails, which cost upwards of $40,000 for the two, are made possible by all of our AWESOME donors. Dozens of paths in Berkeley desperately need handrails, which Berkeley Path Wanderers Association — in consultation with Berkeley Public Works Department — has estimated will cost around $1 million.

To make a donation for handrails visit our donations page or mail your check made out to Berkeley Partners for Parks, with "BPWA" in the memo line, to: BPWA, 1442A Walnut St. #269, Berkeley CA 94709