Meet Board Member Patty Callahan

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I grew up in northern Illinois and moved to Berkeley to attend UC in the mid ‘70s, where I earned a BA in art history. Although I didn’t work in an art-related field, I’ve maintained a life-long interest in art through frequent visits to museums and galleries, reading, and friendships with artists. I retired two years ago after a career in corporate communications and now spend my days walking, cooking, reading, and traveling. I visit France often and can think of few things I enjoy more than walking around Paris and seeing so much beauty—parks, gardens, buildings, people. I’m also grateful to have lived in Berkeley for almost 50 years and to have discovered so many wonderful places and sights by walking around town.

How did you become interested in Berkeley's paths?
When I first moved to Berkeley I lived around the corner from several paths where I walked regularly—Pine, Avalon, and Oak Knoll. Over the years, I think I’ve walked most of the paths, and that has been a wonderful way to explore the neighborhoods. Like many people, I increased my walking during the pandemic because I could work from home; I used the early morning hours I normally would have been commuting to instead walk the paths. No better way to start the day! There is something so refreshing and mystical about the paths—I always feel like my outlook on life is improved by going for a walk.

What do you hope to achieve/contribute as a BPWA board member?
I am looking forward to learning more about the Berkeley paths and supporting the work to keep them alive and well now and for the future.