Meet Board Member Angus Dunstan

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I grew up in Scotland and the North of England, married a Californian, attended graduate school in Santa Barbara, and taught for 20 years at CSU Sacramento. When our two sons went off to college we escaped the Central Valley heat and moved to Berkeley. Our two grandchildren in San Francisco make retirement a real pleasure.

How did you become interested in Berkeley's paths?
When we moved into my wife’s grandparent’s former house in Berkeley, someone gave us a map. We loved walking the paths in our neighborhood, and I became involved in path building for a while before I attended an annual meeting and volunteered to join the board. I took on the job of online fulfillment, mailing out books, hats, and maps, and I’ve been doing it ever since.

What do you hope to achieve/contribute as a BPWA board member?
As a returning member, I look forward to continuing the work I started several years ago and to supporting the excellent community service the organization provides.