If you're looking for a good walk to take, we’ve compiled an extensive list of Berkeley walks that the Path Wanderers have offered in the past, as well as many others from Berkeley’s community of walking enthusiasts. Thank you to all the authors and walk leaders for making these available online!
Berkeley Path Wanderers past walking routes. This is a large selection of BPWA-led walks from over the years. We've included walk leaders’ handouts and directions, so you can retrace their routes. The handouts capture useful information and points of interest along the way.
STEP IT UP: An Adventurer’s Guide to Forty Walks on the Paths, Trails, and Streets of Berkeley and Beyond, by Aviva Gerwein and Jacob Lehmann Duke. This is a wonderful book of 40 walks in Berkeley and beyond, published exclusively on our website as separate walks and the entire book.
Berkeley Walks: Longtime Berkeley residents and tour guides, Bob Johnson and Janet Byron, are the authors of Berkeley Walks, now in its third edition. In addition to the 21 walks in the book, which is available in our store, they recently made available for free 24 new walks on their website. The write-ups are organized in 8 series of 3 walks each, ready for download and printing in PDF form.
Hike the Berkeley Paths: Berkeley resident and path enthusiast Gene Meyers aims to cover all of Berkeley’s paths in a series of 1 to 2 hour hikes. His website documents these hikes, with maps, write-ups, and beautiful photos.
Berkeley - Oakland Tours: Long time BPWA walk leader, Ron Sipherd, let us know that he recently updated six of his walk write-ups with up-to-date descriptions, maps, and photos on his website.
Virtual Tour: If you’d rather ‘walk’ the paths from the comfort of your own couch, you can go with Bob Johnson and Janet Byron joined by author and long-time Berkeley resident Tina Jones-Williams for a very special tour of South Berkeley. We hope you enjoy this recording.
Virtual Tour of South Berkeley (Recorded October 18, 2020 - 67 mins)