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Long Walk 2023: Around Briones Reservoir

  • Briones Overlook Staging Area on Bear Creek Road (map)

Leaders: John Ford and Alina Constantinescu
Distance and elevation gain: 13.5 miles, 2,000 feet
Accessibility: Rolling hills. No dogs allowed.
Restrooms: At start and at 9.5 miles
Sign-up required: Please email John at <> to sign up for this walk, so we can arrange the correct amount of trail permits needed.

From the start, we take the Oursan Trail clockwise around the lake. After crossing the dam and passing the construction zone, we'll walk through the rolling hills on the north side of the lake.  It's mainly open at first and then is in and out of more wooded areas.

At 9.5 miles, we reach the Bear Creek Staging Area just beyond the eastern edge of the lake. This is the first and only opportunity to cut the hike short.  It also has the only toilets since the start.  Then we get on the Bear Creek Trail. It's a bit less than 4 miles back to the starting point.  This section is also rolling hills, but the grades are gentler and mostly wooded.

Bring your lunch and plenty of water.  We recommend 2 liters per person.  Also, bring something to sit on the ground with; there are very few benches and none in the first 11 miles.