Evacuation Using the Pathways

By Chris Cullander, BPWA Emergency Prep Liaison

In an emergency such as a wildfire, you may need to evacuate on foot if streets are blocked or if driving out will take too long (check local traffic on Google maps). The City of Berkeley considers the pathways to be a key resource for evacuation; however, walking out requires forethought and preparation.


  • If you have not already done so, sign up for AC Alert.

  • Use the BPWA map to find the paths near your home.

  • Determine at least two walk-out routes using a combination of roads (preferably with sidewalks) and pathways, and practice walking these routes. You want to know where the pathways are and be able to find them if it’s dark or smoky, whether there are handrails, and how steep the road or pathway is. Highlight these routes on your map.


  • Basic go-bag: Minimize weight, but be sure to include water, a flashlight and spare batteries; fully charged cell phone and charger (for AC Alert & 911 calls); and the BPWA map with the walk-out routes marked.

  • Wear long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and a dry bandana face cover – all of these should be 100% cotton – along with closed-toe footwear as well as goggles or glasses.

  • Before you start, take a quick look up and down your street. If you see smoke, fire, or downed electrical wires and other hazards, go in the opposite direction!

While evacuation via pathways may provide the shortest and most direct route, many are steep and/or have steps, and may thus not be the best option for evacuees with mobility issues or limited vision.
Online resources
Review Berkeley's Wildfire Evacuation site. In particular, see the ‘Berkeley evacuation routes map,’ and the ‘Wildfire evacuation presentation slides’ from the City of Berkeley Office of Emergency Services.