Outgoing board member Abby Rutchick on Poplar Path.
Abby Rutchick joined the Berkeley Path Wanderers Association board in 2016, soon after she had moved to Berkeley from Minneapolis to be closer to her 2 children and 4 grandchildren.
With her extensive experience in marketing and sales, Abby completely revolutionized our brand, from our logo to our merchandise to our social media presence. She prodded us to convert from a paper newsletter to an electronic-only version, redesigned our website, and spearheaded our most successful marketing and fundraising efforts.
Month after month, she produced the e-news, making sure that all the copy, photos, and headlines were properly laid out, the spacing was just right, and the finished product got to our inboxes on schedule. She also maintained and regularly updated the website and kept track of the metrics so we would know how people were using the site.
She was instrumental in producing a video documentary that marked the 20th anniversary of BPWA. And she did all this with great humility, always avoiding the spotlight.
“Abby is well organized and patient and a perfectionist,” says Sandy Friedland, former board member and newsletter editor. “Where Abby is concerned, less is always more. She likes to keep things simple and straightforward. I loved working with her!”
We are so grateful to Abby for all of her invaluable contributions to BPWA. The positive changes she made have strengthened our organization, enabling us to appeal to a wider, more media-savvy demographic. Although we will dearly miss Abby on our board, we look forward to seeing her on the paths.
We asked her 7 parting questions:
BPWA: When/how did you first become aware of Berkeley’s paths?
Abby: After moving to Berkeley from Minneapolis 5 years ago, my friend introduced me to the Berkeley paths, hiking the 7 rock parks of North Berkeley.
BPWA: How did you get involved with BPWA?
Abby: Many of my friends were on the board and encouraged me to get involved. They thought my retail background would be an asset to future growth.
BPWA: What is your favorite path, and why?
Abby: I have to say I am still discovering paths, and I find each one of them to have lots of personality. They offer great insight into neighborhoods and architecture, and they always provide glimpses of gardens, wildflowers, and stunning views. Walking them has been a great way of relieving my anxiety recently.
BPWA: Which path(s) do you like to show visitors from out of town?
Abby: Indian Trail, with its massive urn, and Indian Rock Path, with its beautiful houses, which runs into its namesake Indian Rock Park. You can’t beat the views from there.
BPWA: What is your proudest accomplishment as a board member?
Abby: Bringing BPWA up to date with technology, including adding Square as a payment method so we could accept payments other than cash. I helped to shape a new electronic newsletter and the new website. Doing these things really made it easier to do business and showcase who we are.
BPWA: What have you enjoyed most about being a board member?
Abby: Meeting new people, exploring new areas and learning the history of Berkeley. I feel extremely grateful that Berkeley is such a walkable city, with such a rich history.
BPWA: If you could have one wish come true for the paths, what would it be?
Abby: I would like to see our most popular paths lit, with directional signage and handrails.