Keep on (solo) Walkin'!

"Paths connect. It is their first duty and chief reason for being. They relate places in a literal sense, and by extension they relate people."

— Robert Macfarlane, The Old Ways: A Journey on Foot

Dear Path Wanderers,

Until we can once again walk the paths together with neighbors and friends, the paths' simple presence connects our socially distant community in more ways than one. A myriad of steps and sidewalks connect us as we go about our solo walks: a walker on Oakridge Path, with the jogger on Tunbridge Lane, and the hiker on Visalia Steps. Enjoy your solo walks, give lots of room when you encounter others on the paths and sidewalks, and we shall get through this — together, if momentarily apart.  

If you're looking for solo walk ideas, we recommend that you stay within your neighborhood as much as possible. A selection of past BPWA routes are available here. The authors of Berkeley Walks also have a number of free new walks here. And Alina Constantinescu, our current president, offers a series of annotated mapped routes at this link. Please hike responsibly: go solo or only with people you live with, and keep your distance from anyone else you encounter. Thank you for being safe and keeping your fellow walkers safe as well.

Alina Constantinescu
BPWA President