BErkeley and Its Pathways
9th Edition
The 9th edition of Berkeley Path Wanderers Association’s indispensable map, Berkeley and Its Pathways — featuring more than 136 public stairways and footpaths in Berkeley, and much much more — is now available for purchase.
“It’s fun to discover new neighborhoods in Berkeley, and the best way to do that is to walk the paths,” says Colleen Neff, former BPWA president and chair of the map committee.
Even more important, Neff says, the updated and improved map is a must-have for every Berkeley household to plan safe and quick escape routes in the case of fire, earthquake or other emergency.
“Everybody should have a copy of our map in their emergency kit or their neighborhood earthquake cache,” Neff says. “You just don’t know when you’re going to need to know the neighborhoods in Berkeley that you’re not familiar with.”
Berkeley and Its Pathways is a complete map of all Berkeley streets, bicycle boulevards, paths, creeks and even public restrooms, with both a streets and paths index.
The updated and improved 9th edition includes the following new features:
Paths newly named for BPWA founders Ruth Armstrong, Pat DeVito, Jacque Ensign and Eleanor Hall Gibson.
Step counts for all pathways.
Newly constructed Lower Halkin Walk and Lower Columbia Path.
Renamed paths in Kensington.
New cover art.
Maps are available in local stores and from BPWA. Through March 1, BPWA will mail or deliver maps locally with free shipping at $10 for 1 map, $40 for 5 maps, and $75 for 10 maps (bulk discounts available from BPWA only).
Buy a bunch for all your family members, go-kits and walking buddies!