Left to right, Nayiri Bouboussis, BPWA president Janet Byron, and Milly Alvarez pose proudly with their pins after completing the Every Path in Berkeley walk series.
Thousand Oaks neighbors Milly Alvarez and Nayiri Bouboussis were among 22 proud walkers who completed our Every Path in Berkeley walk series and earned their “I Walked Every Path in Berkeley in 2023” pins. The 6-walk series covered 130 paths and 36 miles! The pins were awarded on August 6 at Live Oak Park, the finish line of the final walk, when the community met to celebrate the organization’s 25th anniversary.
Joining the celebration were Councilmember Sophie Hahn and Laurie McWhorter, staff person for Councilmember Susan Wengraf. They presented a city proclamation honoring the organization’s quarter-century of service through its work on Berkeley’s unique paths network.
Berkeley council member Sophie Hahn presented Mayor Jesse Arreguin’s proclamation in honor of Berkeley Path Wanderers Association; left to right, Hahn; BPWA co-founder Jacque Ensign; BPWA president Janet Byron, and Laurie McWhorter, staff person for Berkeley Councilmember Susan Wengraf;
Doing the six walks “increased my appreciation for living in a place that has this incredible gift of all these paths,” says Alvarez, a retired psychiatric social worker.
“At first I didn’t care about the medal, but after the second walk I knew I had to do it,” says Bouboussis, a former librarian. “It was enjoyable to see the whole city, including parts that we didn’t know.”
“The routes were not that easy!” says John Ford, Berkeley Path Wanderers Association walks coordinator. “Most involved climbing up one or more sets of stairs, then going down other stairs, and back up yet another set. It took determination and strong legs to complete all six walks. Congratulations to all the finishers!”
Meeting the challenge
Alvarez and Bouboussis’s small neighborhood social bubble cheered them on and encouraged their participation. After each walk they sent their neighbors a group text with photos and a summary, including the total number of steps (20,945 the most) and miles (8.5 the longest).
Bouboussis used to walk daily with another neighbor, Ruth. They would walk to the reservoir at the Berkeley-Kensington border, 3 miles a day, 7 days a week. “After my friend passed away a few years ago, I got lazy,” she says. “I wasn’t walking every day.”
Alvarez read about the Every Path in Berkeley series in the monthly newsletter, and suggested to Bouboussis that they give it a try. “I knew Nayiri was a good walker from her regular walks with Ruth over many years,” Alvarez says. “I knew I could trust her to do it.”
After the first walk in March, during which it rained and hailed, the longtime neighbors wondered whether they would be able to complete the series.
“We survived that one,” Alvarez says. “I always like the challenge of pushing myself beyond what I know I can do.”
Alvarez reserved special thanks for former president Alina Constantinescu, who was the “sweep” for all six walks. “I appreciate how kind everyone was. I met people from all over the Bay Area.”
Adds Bouboussis: “I’m just ready for the next adventure, so I hope you keep coming up with new ones.”
Left to right, (anonymous), John Ford, Alina Constantinescu, Karen Ebadi, Jane Andersen, Dhara Desai, Tamara Gurin, Gene Meyers, Nayiri Bouboussis, and Milly Alvarez.
The 22 Every Path in Berkeley finishers were: Milly Alvarez, Jane Andersen, Doris Balabanian, Joan Bartlett, Diana Bersohn, Stephanie Bodoff, Nayiri Bouboussis, Signe Burns, Janet Byron, Tiffany Cheng, Alina Constantinescu, Dhara Desai, Karen Ebadi, Josep Ferrandiz, John Ford, Tamara Gurin, Margaret Kilby, Gene Meyers, Steve Meyers, Nick Pilch, Kathy Turner, and anonymous. Several walkers completed the six walks later on and received their pins after the final walk on Aug. 6. (If you don’t see your name on this list and you finished all six walks, or you are still planning to finish the series, please write to info@berkeleypaths.org.)
Berkeley Path Wanderers Association celebrated 25 years of paths love with a celebration at Live Oak Park on Aug. 6.
Members of the current board are: (top row) Stephanie Bodoff, Jane Andersen, Angus Dunstan, Bob Gomez, Emma Morris, John Ford, Tamara Gurin, Bob Johnson, and Karen Ebadi, and (seated) Patty Callahan, Janet Byron, and Jennifer Pellman. Photos by Steve Price.