Meet BPWA's New Treasurer: Karen Ebadi

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I'm Karen Ebadi and live in North Berkeley. I grew up in Livermore. I work as an accountant and in my free time I enjoy reading, riding my bike, and traveling.

How did you become interested in Berkeley's paths?

I like to hike/walk and was looking for some walks close to home when I found BPWA. I like that the walks are usually about 3 hours, leaving time for errands later in the day. I enjoy the people I've met walking with BPWA and I'm always amazed at how many new places I see on the walks, which are right in our backyard.

What do you hope to achieve as a BPWA board member?

I'd like to facilitate the continuation of the work that BPWA does, maintaining the current paths, adding handrails and building new paths. I also think it would be great if we could find an artist to do a mosaic stairway on one of the paths (similar to the mosaic stairways that are in San Francisco).