Meet Erika Wilson: board member, hiker, walk leader and co-coordinator

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I live in the Westbrae neighborhood on the border between Berkeley and Albany. I'm originally from the Philadelphia area, but have lived on West Coast for 20 years now — first in Seattle, and now here. When I'm not walking or hiking (which I try to do as much as possible!) I work at a performing arts organization in San Francisco. I'm a singer, a film fan, and a reader, so I feel lucky to live in a beautiful place with so many opportunities to do what I love.

How did you become interested in Berkeley's paths?

I started hiking the paths with my friend Alina Constantinescu in 2012, shortly after moving to the East Bay. She's so knowledgeable, and she's introduced me and many others to countless wonderful hikes. Alina is now the BPWA board president, so I guess it was inevitable that I get involved with the paths, too! I was impressed by the dedication of the many BPWA volunteers who build, maintain, and hike the paths. Thanks to their work over the past two decades, the Berkeley paths and stairs are open to everyone to enjoy. They're a great way to have fun, take in the scenery and views, and get a good workout. And they also serve as routes to safety in case of emergency.

What is your board "portfolio" and what do you hope to achieve as a BPWA board member?

Along with Jacob Lehmann-Duke, I serve as BPWA walks co-coordinator. Jacob and I organize the monthly BPWA walk schedule and work with our volunteer leaders to share information about upcoming walks. It's our goal to ensure that we have at least two fun walks lined up per month. We are also the point of contact for questions about walks, and we welcome ideas and suggestions from those who wish to lead BPWA walks. Feel free to get in touch with us at!