Meet John Ford: Board secretary, walker, and singer

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am 73 years old. I was born in San Francisco and attended grammar school in Berkeley (John Muir), then went to high school in Virginia and returned back to Berkeley in 1966. I have lived here ever since. My wife and I live on Oxford between Vine and Rose. I'm a retired attorney, and I walk a lot. I used to cycle several days a week, but now I walk 3 or 4 days a week, usually at least 9 miles. I'm also in two choruses, the Albany Community Chorus and the UC Alumni Chorus. I've also been on several overseas trips with the UC Chorus, and in January we went to New Zealand. The rest of the time I read, and I cook much more than I did when I was working.

How did you become interested in Berkeley’s paths?

I've been walking the paths regularly since I retired. I worked on a few paths before I injured my hand. I'm very supportive of BPWA's goals and am delighted to help out. 

What will you be doing as a board member?

I am going to be the new secretary of the board. I hope to help the organization stay on the same positive trajectory that it is already on.